“Agencies reported using several systems that have components that are, in some cases, at least 50 years old. For example, the Department of Defense uses 8-inch floppy disks in a legacy system that coordinates the operational functions of the nation’s nuclear forces. …”
For more information, read the Network World article Not dead yet or see the General Accounting Office document http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/677436.pdf
Department of Veterans Affairs
System: Personnel and Accounting Integrated Data
Age: 53
Function: Automates time and attendance for employees, timekeepers, payroll, and supervisors.
It is written in Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL)—a programming language developed in the 1950s and 1960s—and runs on IBM mainframes.
Replacement coming?: Yes -The agency plans to replace it with a project called Human Resources Information System Shared Service Center in 2017.
Department of Veterans Affairs
System: Benefits Delivery Network
Age: 51
Function: Tracks claims filed by veterans for benefits, eligibility, and dates of death. This system is a suite of COBOL mainframe applications.
Replacement coming?: No -The agency has general plans to roll capabilities into another system, but there is no firm time frame associated with this transition.