If we dissect the word literally, k’negdo means “as opposed to him.” This implies that the woman helps her man in part by challenging him (to be better). Every man in a good marriage knows how true that is. As my longtime friend, former presidential speech writer Bruce Herschensohn, once put it to me, “In the beginning God created man and critic.”
Author: John Nash
Give so it does some good!
This is my kinswoman and adopted daughter Allison. She has been pastoring in the UK for about a decade now. They just had a cross cultural event celebrating the US Thanksgiving holiday in the UK, and she herself baked 4-5 turkeys (borrowing ovens) and prepared half the 30 some side dishes, AND made a pile…
GRUB_INIT_TUNE Row, Row, Row, Your Boat
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat (John Nash) GRUB_INIT_TUNE=”2872 0 1 0 4 262 23 0 1 262 22 0 2 262 14 0 2 293 7 0 1 330 22 0 2 330 14 0 2 293 6 0 2 330 14 0 2 349 6 0 2 392 46 0 2 523 7 0 1 523 7 0 1 523 7 0 1 392 7 0 1 392 7 0 1 392 7 0 1 330 7 0 1 330 7 0 1 330 7 0 1 262 7 0 1 262 7 0 1 262 7 0 1 392 14 0 2 349 7 0 1 330 14 0 2 293 7 0 1 262 46 0 2″
Linux Mint 21.x not able to auto mount drive to /media
Linux Mint 21.x cannot auto mount drives of any kind – USB memory formatted FAT32, internal drives iNode formatted drives not already in /etc/fstab — anything that would be automounted to /media/<username>. A modal dialog box opens with the error saying it is “not a folder” and then another modal dialog box that says “Could…
Hover over GoDaddy
GoDaddy has been blocking Brave browser. Brave blocks some mal-ware, such as ad-ware, popup ads, and other problematic unethical web behaviors. We are therefore moving our domains away from GoDaddy to TuCows, which is now called Hover. If you wish to follow, and get a discount, use the link https://hover.com/iWqY7dn6.