Bug running around on inside of your computer screen
Category: Crafting
ALC Maker’s Space is coming
Abundant Life Church is starting a new thing called Groups which will each be on a secular topic of interest to those who participate, and will meet in lieu of the traditional Wednesday evening Bible Study service. (Typical groups last time were Finances, Cropping for Christ, & Shooting and Firearm Safety. My church is kinda crazy…
Making a Smart Phone Case (with Pig Skin liner and Snake Skin cover)
I am journalling how I make a smart phone case. Anyone is welcome to use this as a starting point for free, with the full understanding and agreement that all use is strictly AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you appreciate the information in this work, please feel free to leave a donation using my PayPal button on…
On-Line Store
We have opened an on-line store where you can browse and purchase our leather goods at http://www.etsy.com/shop/APILeatherCrafting.
UPC Code Discussion
If you follow this blog then you know we are shut out of Amazon.com because we cannot possibly pay $3,200 to buy a company UPC number. We objected to this, responded to an email from GS1 US, the company which sells UPC company numbers. They have told me that they are a not for profit,…