Which Email domains are most in use?
Taking a list of just over 1,500 addresses collected in the last two years, I get the following results:
American Programmers Independent, LLC.
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Which Email domains are most in use?
Taking a list of just over 1,500 addresses collected in the last two years, I get the following results:
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) publishes the standard for web sites and browsers – they publish the standard to which all sites and browsers should comply to work properly on planet earth. W3C Schools provides the most accurate and up to date possible information and training on these topics. If you would like a…
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat (John Nash) GRUB_INIT_TUNE=”2872 0 1 0 4 262 23 0 1 262 22 0 2 262 14 0 2 293 7 0 1 330 22 0 2 330 14 0 2 293 6 0 2 330 14 0 2 349 6 0 2 392 46 0 2 523 7 0 1 523 7 0 1 523 7 0 1 392 7 0 1 392 7 0 1 392 7 0 1 330 7 0 1 330 7 0 1 330 7 0 1 262 7 0 1 262 7 0 1 262 7 0 1 392 14 0 2 349 7 0 1 330 14 0 2 293 7 0 1 262 46 0 2″
Having your business FB account stolen can cause unnecessary losses to you personally and to your business. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has information that can help (more)
The prefix after tera- should be 10005, or peta-. Therefore, after terabyte comes petabyte. Next is exabyte, then zettabyte and yottabyte. Those are powers of 100010 not 102410 ( which is (210)10). Really we should be saying gibibyte (102410)3 or (210)30, tebibyte (102410)4 or (210)40, pebibyte (102410)5 or (210)50, exbibyte (102410)6 or (210)60, zebibyte (102410)7 or (210)70,…