I was right! The new Microsoft “Surface” tablet is a PC and /or tablet. It also has a detachable cover that doubles as a keyboard and mouse. The price is to be set to be competitive with commodity tablets
Category: Technical
Windows 8 Release Preview
http://click.email.microsoftemail.com/?qs=2b7baebe33a1cd0d9667911a300ae26889dbaad2c1bce4597f2165ebdca730b64463cc0cb3cad4c0 Windows 8 Release Preview is here
Web Site Stats — raw data 2012-06-11
Operating System Report The Operating System Report lists the operating system your visitors are running for visitors whose browser types you know. Not all browsers provide this information and not all visitors provide browser information, but what is provided, is summarized here. This report shows all results. This report is sorted by number of requests…
GMail for Non-Google Domains
You can have GMail handle your email even if Google is not hosting your web site. See this document for detailed instructions to fit MX Records on GoDaddy.com DNS here: http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=33353&topic=1611273&ctx=topic. There are like instruction sheets for many other registrars here http://support.google.com/a/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=1611273. There was also a *VERY* handy tool that looked up the current, working,…
EdUbuntu 12.04: Configuring to get work done
Last night we installed the new Ubuntu 12.04 Precise on our HP 6910p business class notebook from a USB memory stick. The installation went about as quick and painless as any we have done. We also installed Blue Fish, FileZilla, Chromium, Compiz configuration manager, and SSH Server, and did some configuring of the Launcher bar….