The Oracle VirtualBox Guest Additions software, which is needed to use a shared folder, cut/paste, etc. does not install in the Windows 10 Technical Preview.
EMV Technology required for 2015: Poynt sells the hardware at cost
There is a new POS terminal in design to be available to software developers December 2014 which will comply with EMV rules effective in 2015. The hardware is available for cost $335.16 from Poynt and a developer kit is available for $552.66.
ADB No Devices
Best instructions to fix the problem when using adb to control android in ubuntu / debian You can install the SDK with ADB under Mint / Mate with apt-get install android-tools-adb but before you can use the Android Studio you must have Oracle Java JDK (not JRE) installed. The OpenJDK automagically installed doesn’t suffice. So you…
Windows 10 Technical Preview First Look
Hands On demo of Windows 10 Technical Preview immediately after install
Windows 10 Technical Preview
Microsoft has released a technical preview of their upcoming Windows 10. Here is a video of our install of the Windows 10 Technical Preview.