I found a way to make your web site using PHP and MySQL apply time zone settings properly even if it is hosted by GoDaddy.com.
Tag: GoDaddy
Protecting Your Web Site from Loss of Business
The Godaddy DNS outage was caused by internal error, not a hack. We should specify name lookup via more than one DNS company so that if one company is unavailable, the other will still work and access to our web sites will be unaffected by a single point failure.
GMail for Non-Google Domains
You can have GMail handle your email even if Google is not hosting your web site. See this document for detailed instructions to fit MX Records on GoDaddy.com DNS here: http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=33353&topic=1611273&ctx=topic. There are like instruction sheets for many other registrars here http://support.google.com/a/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=1611273. There was also a *VERY* handy tool that looked up the current, working,…
The COST of Customer Inconvenience in Passwords
“The Customer may not always be Right, but the Customer IS ALWAYS the Customer.” — Bob Parsons of GoDaddy.com author, entrepreneur, entertainer, motorcycle enthusiast, elephant hunter. I have previously written about the folly of unreasonable demands placed upon customers concerning password assignment by well-meaning but misguided hosting service providers. Typically these password requirements include: password must…