The last week and a half, as we prepared and then traveled, the Word has come time and again on the same theme: Consecration: there is no Accidental Christian. We must be dedicated to LOVE the community around us and help them improve their lives and
Tag: power
Solar vs. Electric Utilities
IEEE says that the problem is that the citizens also are escaping from most of their need to purchase any electricity from the utilities, thus reducing their profits. I say the problem is we are thinking about it wrong: what we need is an electric power version of the Internet.
Utilities unprepared for EMP
If every residential and business building had a sufficient amount of solar panels to power itself during the day, then even if a disaster or attack destroyed a part of the grid, or the entire grid, it would not significantly affect people outside that one small area where the event occurred. As it is now, if the grid goes out in Pennsylvania several States could be without power for weeks. This is foolish and unnecessary with the technology we now possess.
Solar Power
Current guess at specifics of powering your house with soar cells. Calculates number of cells needed, area they would occupy, and cost of cells at street prices.
APC under Linux
How to install APC UPS control software on Linux.