Primary Election is MAY 8, 2018. You must be registered by 29 days prior to the election (April 9, 2018) to be allowed to vote.
Before the last election (Nov 2016) several thousand Hoosiers were denied their right to vote because a 3rd party had illegally altered Republican (only Republican) voter registration information to change their name, address, or other information in an effort to prevent Republicans from voting. CHECK YOUR STATUS.
Use the OFFICIAL INDIANA web site, https://indianavoters.in.gov, not knockoffs that could be run by groups intending to alter your registration information instead of registering you! It is free, fast, easy – USE THE OFFICIAL STATE OF INDIANA SITE: not any other! Official GOVerment web sites always have a domain ending with .GOV! .com, .org, .biz, .me, are NOT official government sites!
Register to vote. Primaries are almost here. https://indianavoters.in.gov/
From the OFFICIAL INDIANA web site:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: ONLY the version of the state voter registration form (VRG-7) and the county voter registration form (VRG-11) published on this website (or earlier revisions of these state forms approved since September 2013) will be accepted by county voter registration offices. Older versions of the VRG-7 or VRG-11 will NOT be accepted for processing. Federal voter registration forms may continue to be used.