FaceBook presently seems to be demanding a cell phone number as a condition of logging on. It could be a virus forwarding mobile phone numbers to China or Siberia for posting unauthorized charges to cell phones to steal money, or it could be FaceBook actually pulling the same stunt themselves for the same reason — to place unauthorized charges on the cell phones.
Author: John Nash
Using Social Media for Education
Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways.
Work Shifting: common sense leads to new productivity
Work Shifting involves more than geographic location. It involves location, time, equipment, intellectual activation (mental readiness) and even social presence. Essentially, our present technology allows the worker to work when it is optimal. We are entering an age where not only time or location but especially computing device is flexible.
“On-Line Sales Tax Legislation” HR 5660
There is no “New Internet Tax” — at least not in HR 5660. This article by John Dvorak appeared in a blog from PC Mag (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2367551,00.asp). It is worth confronting at this time because it represents one serious problem with the blogosphere — laziness.
Ten Habits of Bad Web Design
Every self-proclaimed “web designer” and “expert” does not necessarily know what she or he is doing. More often than not they are simply sales types who have decided “there is money to be made” in selling web sites, and they’ll fast talk inexperienced people into buying from them. Baseline Magazine reports ten of the worst mistakes you…