Years ago I called a city agency to report that some fairly good sized raccoons were deprecating my property. With an attitude dripping in assumed superiority, the lady explained to me that raccoons were cute little animals that never hurt anything and never grow any bigger than a teddy bear. My first house was on…
Category: Wisdom
From his annual book.
k’negdo “In the Beginning God created man and critic”
If we dissect the word literally, k’negdo means “as opposed to him.” This implies that the woman helps her man in part by challenging him (to be better). Every man in a good marriage knows how true that is. As my longtime friend, former presidential speech writer Bruce Herschensohn, once put it to me, “In the beginning God created man and critic.”
Short Poem
They say I’m too emotional / I’d best learn more forbying / For when I’ve wrote a sad li’l prose
Hell’s defeat: a short poem
Years ago I heard a tail,
of three great kings brought to fight hell.
Asked each he did, what threat they posed,
the first he mocked, the second disposed.
Lies are the Devil’s tools: Truth his bane
There is popular opinion, circulated by those who hate everything that American stands for: individual liberty, honesty, prosperity: that Christians are never supposed to stand up to those who would abuse them or overthrow America. Nothing could be father from the truth: Christians are assigned by God the specific honor of carrying out the judgments of God.