Current guess at specifics of powering your house with soar cells. Calculates number of cells needed, area they would occupy, and cost of cells at street prices.
Tag: Amazon
UPC Code Discussion
If you follow this blog then you know we are shut out of because we cannot possibly pay $3,200 to buy a company UPC number. We objected to this, responded to an email from GS1 US, the company which sells UPC company numbers. They have told me that they are a not for profit,…
Mainstream Tablet Prices Dropping to $149
I have said for some time the primary and secondary price points for the glut of tablets that will become available this fall will be $149 and $249 with a distant tertiary point at $400. Here is another manufacturer who is adjusting their SRP to become salable. There is nothing wrong with the Nook Color:…